Saturday 29 October 2011

Halloween Pumpkins

I love this time of year. Not because of the dressing up and the huge amount of sweets available. It is purely because its harvesting season and the golden colours of autumn spreading over the land scape.

I am becoming more creative since moving in to our house. I have never carved a pumpkin, and today I did that.

My choice of pumpkins

The hungry pumpkin

The cat in the moon light!


These are not going on display in my house as I do not want to attract beggars!

D J Simpson

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Just a few!

I took a few photos today at work as I was admiring the plants in bloom. There are more like the massive batch of lilies and also the hanging baskets. All this is the work of Mark Johnson he gets paid to maintain the gardens which I would love to do myself.

Here are a few more will follow

D J Simpson

Sunday 5 June 2011

Like a cat to a ball of string!

This is all about supporting your garden from the wind. I have done a few for ideas for yourself. I had a little help from Mia she was kind of annoying but you can't get angry with her she so cute.



Mia giving a hand! Not!

The most common gardens knots are clove hitch and bowlines.

Clove hitch can hold 2 bamboo canes together.

Bowline holds plants to there supports with out strangling or damaging the plants.

D J Simpson

Friday 3 June 2011

Fox gloves

I found these beautiful fox gloves on the Market 2 for a fiver! I have about 20 of the already in the garden but they will not bloom this year! I couldn't wait till next years bloom so had to buy some!

D J Simpson

Monday 30 May 2011

Bea and Jon


Congratulations to Bea and Jon on your marriage! I wish you both all the best for the future. Here are some photos:

These were the cute table dressings that were labelled with herb names.

It was such a shame i didn't take a photo of the lovely bunting.

Burwash manor secret gardens!

D J Simpson

Potty complete potty

I have yet again not posted much as I'm just watching the garden grow. Getting quite impatient as I want the full glory of the garden right now.

Here are some photos:

I thought of this idea as I had pots that I loved but to small to put out on the patio. I quite like it. The plants are meant to look like this. They will perk up a bit in time.

There was 2 stools that we kept when moving here as we were going to sand them down and repaint them. But this was to much work so as I was tidying the shed I wanted rid of them and near threw them out. Then had a brain wave (embrace this moment I don't have much of them) I cut the back off one and removed the seat off the other bingo a seed tray bench. Stops slugs and snails getting at them as I had them on the floor.

Planted a passion flower to climb the fence. I really can't wait for the flowers in June to September. Won't be much as it's still a baby :)

This is one of the hanging baskets I did! It don't look much now as it's still establishing. Once fully grown you will not see any of the basket. Also it will look like a giant upside down rain drop shape reds and purples.

This has done well the pot is quite old and looks nice on the side of the shed.

My new potatoes I think I'll leave these till the end of September.

Love love love! Did I say I love strawberries I love them more when they are my own. I can't explain the taste really they are the finest I've ever had.

Peek a boo! They are now shooting up quickly. Im looking forward to the beautiful bloom then the crunch of the runner beans.

Sweet corn are doing well been rather slow but hasn't every thing that had been growing due to the very dry weather.

Carrots! Finally getting a crop. Think I sowed them to early last time. It's all about learning.

Brussels sprouts.

You are my sun shine! Enough of the singing this is my sun flower.


D J Simpson